Wednesday, June 25, 2008

JEM Vocational Institute

JEM is not only concerned with meeting spiritual needs of people, we also strive to meet the physical and educational needs. It is our hope to evangelize and build the Kingdom of God through vocational training. As students come to gain skills, the JEM staff give them the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

On June 14 JEM had an orientation for our Vocational Institute. About 25 prospective students attended the orientation. Classes will start on Monday, June 23, 2008. The school is free of charge and will run for eight months. Our first course is Clerical Typing.

We are praying to add computer courses in the near future.

Youth Leadership Seminar Brings Growth

June 14, 2008 was a wet and rainy day. Despite the rain, the youth came. 32 young people came from seven local churches to our seminar at the Buchanan Open Bible Standard Church, Buchanan City, Liberia.

The Rev. Benjamin T. Munford taught on the subject “The Laws of Leadership”.

Pastor Munford used PowerPoint for his presentation, but participants still had to go back and forth from their seats to catch a better look at what were on the screen. Technology is always a hurdle in Liberia.

The young people also watched an Alpha Course DVD, "How Do I Resist Evil?"

After the message, 15 young people rededicated their lives to the Lord.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Phase II of Youth Leadership Seminar Begins

Please be in prayer for the JEM Youth Leadership Seminar. Over 30 young people from 30 churches are attending. The Rev. Matthew Malachi of the United Liberian Inland Church spoke during phase II on June 7 and the young people also received Alpha Course video training.

Please pray for the young people of Liberia that they would seek after Jesus and forsake the world. Pray that they would be built up in true knowledge, righteousness and holiness as well as godly wisdom. Pray that the church in Liberia would have a vision for reaching the lost and transforming Liberia. Pray for the leadership of JEM, that they would steward limited resources for God's glory.

Bibles given to Liberian Pastors

"I am very grateful for the coming of the Bibles. It
really signal a message to the people. Someone
testified that he was thankful that we made a promise
and it was fulfilled. But others made promises and
never abide by them." (Ben Munford)

These are pictures of one of the Bible distribution times for the 170 Reformation Study Bibles which we sent to Liberia. One brother walked for four hours to receive his Bible. Another brother had been borrowing someone else's Bible every time he preached.

A huge thanks from our brothers and sisters in Liberia to all of you who were used by the Lord to make this happen!

Reformation Study Bibles for Liberian Pastors!

After several years, we were finally able to see study Bibles arrive in Liberia for the pastors who attended our preaching training under Pastor Travis Hutchinson. By the grace of our Almighty God, we saw a cooperative effort of Ligonier Ministries, Covenant College students, Highlands Presbyterian Church, Pastor James Yarsiah, and JEM bear fruit with the arrival of 170 Reformation Study Bibles in Liberia, West Africa.

Above is the picture of JEM director, Benjamin Munford (left) and David Yarsiah (right) with the Bibles. David's brother, James Yarsiah, is an Episcopalian rector in South Carolina, and he allowed us to ship Bibles with his container to Liberia.

In a nation without theological education during 15 years of war, these Bibles meet a desperate need. While the situation is quickly improving, many pastors still have very little training and no study materials.

Praise God for his faithfulness to his people.