Friday, January 21, 2011


The ALPHA ACADEMY is an elementary and Junior High School. It has the enrollment of about one hundred fifty students. This school is located right behind where we live, in the ELWA ROCK HILL, DIAMOND CREEK COMMUNITY, Monrovia, Liberia, West Africa.

The Principal and Administration of the school accepted our request to do puppet show at their school on January 21, 2011.

The day was very bright and the sun was hot. The cool breeze from coast kept blowing. This cool breeze makes one feel a bit comfortable in the hall where we were having the show as it was hot inside.

The kids were out for their break when we got there and we used this time to set up our equipment. After the setup, the kids were ushered in the hall peacefully. The kids were very excited. For some, this was their first time. For others, this was their second time as they were able to see it when we have the DIAMOND CREEK COMMUNITY show.

We started the show and the puppet did one song after which Rev. Benjamin T. Munford gave the gospel message on the story of Joseph.

At the end of the message, kids prayed asking God to forgive them and asking God to help them to forgive others. They also asked Jesus to be their Savior and God to be their Father.

It was a great time! An exciting moment with the kids as one could see joy on their faces.

After the message, the puppets did one more song.

After the show, we were filled with joy when kids started to tell us how they have been blessed by the puppet show. Moreover, we were also encouraged when other kids were telling their friends who were not at the show concerning the puppet show and the Bible story.

There are thousands of kids here who need to be reached. And this can be done with your prayers and support. Please pray along with us and if you feel led to be a part of what God is doing through us, please feel free to get to us.

Pray with us that the seed planted in these kids will grow.

Benjamin T. Munford
Tel: 231-6-123-814