Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Reformation Study Bibles for Liberian Pastors!

After several years, we were finally able to see study Bibles arrive in Liberia for the pastors who attended our preaching training under Pastor Travis Hutchinson. By the grace of our Almighty God, we saw a cooperative effort of Ligonier Ministries, Covenant College students, Highlands Presbyterian Church, Pastor James Yarsiah, and JEM bear fruit with the arrival of 170 Reformation Study Bibles in Liberia, West Africa.

Above is the picture of JEM director, Benjamin Munford (left) and David Yarsiah (right) with the Bibles. David's brother, James Yarsiah, is an Episcopalian rector in South Carolina, and he allowed us to ship Bibles with his container to Liberia.

In a nation without theological education during 15 years of war, these Bibles meet a desperate need. While the situation is quickly improving, many pastors still have very little training and no study materials.

Praise God for his faithfulness to his people.